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150mm Oval Scale Ruler in white recycled plastic. A professional quality tool with 8 different scales on each ruler. Architects or Engineers scales.
300mm Oval Scale Ruler in white recycled plastic. A professional quality tool with 8 different scales on each ruler. Architects or Engineers scales.
30cm (12in) ruler made from 30% wheat fibres and 70% PP plastic.
Flexible lightweight plastic ruler with both markings in inches and centimetres. PP Plastic. Material: PP Plastic. Brand Name: PF Manufactured
Solid plastic ruler with both markings in inches and centimetres. GPPS Plastic. Material: GPPS Plastic. Brand Name: PF Manufactured
Aluminum ruler with 5 different scales (1:20;1:25;1:50;1:75;1:100) 15 cm. Perfect to bring along in your pocket. Brand: XD Collection. Material: Aluminium.
Flexible lightweight plastic ruler made from 450 g/m2 synthetic paper with both markings in inches and centimetres. 450 g/m2 SYNAPS paper...
Work precise and make sure the details are perfect with this 10 cm pocket size aluminum level ruler. The level ruler comes with a magnetic base to...
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